“Becoming the person you aspire to be requires that you stop being that old self” - Dr. Joe Dispenza


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Services & Pricing


Services & Pricing -

I’m Dr. Samantha Befidi, a chiropractor and the owner at Mind Filled Health, LLC. I strive to give individualized, whole wellness health care to each patient. With a variety of treatment modalities, various options can be considered and employed to restore wellbeing. I look forward to helping you!

  • 15 minute service

    Utilizing the hands, tools and a specialized table, adjustments are delivered to the joints of the spine and extremities. This restores the motion in the joint to allow proper nerve function, which assists the body to heal and function at its best.

  • 30 minute service

    Point stimulation utilizing acupuncture specific needles that are inserted into the skin, as well as, electrotherapy tools are used to restore the electrical/ energetic balance within the body.

  • 15 minute service

    Specialized cups provide decompressive therapy to assist in lymphatic drainage, increased blood flow and healing to an affected area.

  • A combination of any services are performed within a 30 minute time frame.

  • 30 minute service

    The use of scraping/guasha with both stainless steel tools and the hands of the practitioner to remove adhesions and scar tissue within the fascial tissue of the body. It promotes increased blood flow and healing and targets a specific tissue type often overlooked by many practitioners.

  • 15 minute service

    Using trigger point therapy, active release, therapeutic massage and manual modalities to increase the mobility and flexibility of a muscle or group of muscles.

  • 30 minute service

    Use of the hands to release soft tissue adhesions including muscles, musculotendinous insertions, fascial planes and ligaments. Post isometric relaxation and active release techniques are used for the delivery of treatment.

  • 10 minute service

    Specific taping that is utilized to change muscle tone, improve lymphatic drainage, correct movement patterns and change posture.


Ready to live your best life?

I’m Dr. Samantha Befidi, DC and I’m here to empower you to be healthy, happy and abundant and it starts with your mind!